Monday, December 20, 2010

highest mountains in North America.

Today we made a graph that shows the highest
mountains in North America. We used a scale of 1 inch = 350 ft. First, we looked on a chart that showed the highest mountains in North America and how tall they were. Then, we divided the actual height by 350 and that answer is how many inches we would make our strip. After that, we measured the sentence strip and figured out how long they had to be. Some people had to use more than one sentence strip to show how tall the mountains are! The strips were labeled with the name of the mountain, where it's located, and how tall it actually is. Once all the strips were done, we put them in order. In the end, we taped them to the wall. This was a fun activity because we got to measure and try to figure things out.

by Mason,Connor and Miss O' Reilly

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