Monday, December 6, 2010

We've Been Out of Touch!

Our blog has been woefully neglected. It's time to catch up a bit! We are learning and creating every day. Sometimes it's hard to slow down and share what we do. But I'll try to keep everyone updated a bit better, and hopefully I'll get a little help from the members of Room 3. Here are a few recent highlights.

School Store Grand Opening - On November 4th, we held our first school store. It was a blast! Beforehand, a group of students shopped for items that we then ordered to sell in our store. They chose wonderful merchandise: erasers and sharpeners and pencils and grips. We advertised with signs and a commercial (which was performed the day before our grand opening over the loudspeaker at dismissal). Lots of kids came to the school store! Each student had a job and everyone contributed to make the school store a huge success. We've since held a second school store, which was not as busy, and have learned that we should advertise each time, so kids remember to bring their money. We love being responsible for the school store! Thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers.
Saying Goodbye to Maddie - Maddie moved to another school. We were all so sad to see her go! It just so happened that her last day was on Teddy's birthday, so Ted's mom generously threw a party, complete with snacks, to celebrate Teddy and Maddie. We had lots of fun, and think that we sent Maddie off with a bang. It was a bittersweet celebration, and the class made a spontaneous "graffiti board" in honor of our wonderful friend, Maddie.

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